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Tooth colored or Metal-free fillings are used to preserve and protect a tooth that is damaged by cavities. These fillings are aesthetic and bond better to the tooth structure, making them an ideal restoration option. These fillings are composed of a composite resin material that can be color-matched to blend naturally with the rest of your smile. Strong bonding properties reduce the need for tooth reduction compared to metal amalgam fillings, making them a more conservative restoration.


 Two types of teeth whitening are offered to patients in order to safely and effectively revitalize smiles—customized take-home whitening trays and in-office whitening. A customized take-home whitening kit allows you to control the color change of your teeth in the comfort of your own home.

If you desire immediate results, consider in-office whitening. Using a specially formulated professional whitening gel, you may notice a boost in the shade of your teeth in about one hour. This option is perfect for anyone who is looking for the quickest whitening experience possible.


​During root canal treatment, the inflamed or infected pulp is removed and the inside of the tooth is carefully cleaned and disinfected, then filled and sealed with a rubber-like material called gutta-percha. Afterwards, the tooth is restored with a crown or filling for protection. After restoration, the tooth continues to function like any other tooth.

Contrary to jokes about the matter, modern root canal treatment is very similar to having a routine filling and usually can be completed in one or two appointments, depending on the condition of your tooth and your personal circumstances. You can expect a comfortable experience during and after your appointment.



Dental implants replace the natural tooth root, placed through a simple same-day surgical procedure. These small titanium anchors, fixed directly into the space left by the missing tooth need time to heal. Once the healing process is finished, we will crown your new abutment with a natural looking crown.

Benefits of dental implants:

* Next best thing to natural teeth in terms of * function and aesthetics
* Built to last – implants are a long-term             solution
* Protects healthy bone against deterioration
* You can enjoy talking and eating without      discomfort or embarrassment
* Protects healthy teeth from shifting or  drifting

Dental implants are also a great option for anyone with dentures or bridges.  Dental implants can securely hold the denture in position; this minimizes any slipping, clicking, or discomfort that can accompany poor-fitting dentures.


​A dental crown can be used to restore strength, function, and aesthetics to a tooth that has severe decay, a failing filling or is at risk of fracture. Proactively treating these suspect teeth with all-ceramic crowns offers greater longevity to maintain a healthy smile.

A dental bridge is used to replace one or more missing teeth. A bridge is held in place by a crown on both sides of a space, with a false tooth between them. These crowns are then firmly bonded to the remaining surrounding teeth.


Veneers in our dental office have the ability to revitalize and transform virtually any tooth or smile. Veneers are used to improve:

Chips or cracks
Spaces or gaps
Crooked or misaligned teeth
Discoloration or stains
Misshaped teeth
Tooth length, width, and size discrepancy

A veneer is a thin shell designed to cover flaws of the teeth. Porcelain is an extremely durable material that matches the likeness of tooth enamel in color, translucency, and texture. It resists decay and is not susceptible to staining; making porcelain veneers a long-lasting solution that looks completely natural.